At Canadian Solar, our vision is to make lives better by bringing electricity powered by the sun to millions of people worldwide. As a leading manufacturer of solar panels, inverters, and energy storage solutions, we've been an industry front-runner since our founding in 2001. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in all parts of our organization as we navigate the complexities of a booming industry.
Throughout Canadian Solar's subsidiaries, e-Storage, Recurrent Energy, MSS and CSI Solar Co., we invest in our employees' growth. Our training programs and promotional opportunities ensure we all can continue to learn. We understand the importance of work-life balance and provide various flexible work options to support our employees' well-being. Join our team to "Make the Difference" by creating a lasting positive impact on the world and the communities where we operate.
生产操作员 I 负责在制造工厂中从事体力劳动,并需操作各种手动和电动工具。生产操作员将负责按照既定程序、高效生产产品,遵循所有安全协议和工作场所政策,以确保业务运营的盈利性。
Canadian Solar 提供具有竞争力的薪资,加上全面的福利和基于年度目标完成情况的绩效奖金。我们的慷慨福利包括 401(k) 退休计划、医疗/牙科/人寿/伤残保险计划、带薪休假和病假。这是一个全职职位。
Canadian Solar Inc. 是一个机会平等的雇主。我们致力于通过识别、消除和预防障碍,确保为残障人士提供无障碍服务,以促进所有人的权利,并创造一个包容和无障碍的工作环境。应个人要求,Canadian Solar 将努力消除招聘过程中的任何障碍,以适应残障候选人。