Lead Control and Instrument Engineer

Tashkent UZ (1U01) Uzbekistan
Environmental Jobs

At Air Products, our purpose is to bring people together to reimagine what’s possible, collaborate and innovate solutions to the world’s most significant energy and environmental sustainability challenges. Grow with us as we embark on building tomorrow together by being the safest, most diverse and most profitable industrial gas company in the world.

Reimagine What’s Possible

Air Productsda bizning oliy maqsadimiz dunyodagi eng muhim energiya va atrof-muhit barqarorligi muammolariga innovatsion yechimlarni taklif qilish uchun insonarni birlashtirish, bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qilish va hamkorlik qilishdir.

Dunyodagi eng xavfsiz, eng xilma-xil va eng daromadli sanoat gaz kompaniyasi bo'lish orqali ertangi kunni birgalikda qurishga kirishar ekanmiz, biz bilan birga rivojlaning.

Imkoniyati bor bo'lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qiling

We are currently looking for:

Lead Controls & Instrument Engineer

Location: Tashkent

SALARY: competitive salary + benefits + annual bonus

Lead Controls & Instrument Engineer will be a primary local contact and support engineer for all Controls and instrumented equipment & processes across Uzbekistan Gases business.
Success in this position is dependent on strong proven technical and operational credibility, interpersonal and influencing skills, hands-on mentality, implementing change, together with a good understanding of the products, processes, markets, and businesses served.

As Lead Controls & Instrument Engineer, you will:

  • The Lead Engineer should have a detailed, proven, and varied knowledge of plant instrumentation, safety instrumented systems and a high level of PLC and DCS systems knowledge and experience to be able to confidentially support, specify and/or check and approve engineer’s work.
  • Prepare and lead project execution and control strategies.
  • The Lead Engineer should have a good level of knowledge and experience in implementing and designing to IEC 61511, 61508. ATEX and COMPEX experience and/or certification will be advantageous.
  • The Lead Engineer should have a good level of understanding and implementation experience of IEC 62443.
  • Liaise with other engineering disciplines, vendors, and peers as necessary to develop and execute projects.
  • Facilitate the implementation of new or revised Global or local company Standards and training materials
  • Lead and assist Line Management to ensure that all Process controls incidents are adequately investigated, and effective corrective actions are implemented. For High Significance incidents engage personally and directly with RCA team to ensure thorough and consistent approach.
  • Assist in developing risk assessments necessitated by high-risk activity or by deviation from established base policy, working with Process Safety and Central Technical resources as required.
  • Provide aid and support as a Subject Matter Expert in Process Controls to teams.
  • Develop safety initiatives to address observed trends in incident or other data and manage their implementation and implement proactive initiatives to reduce and prevent accidents.
  • Participating in HAZOPs, LOPAs and together with Line Management, identify and implement preventive or corrective actions arising from those audits.
  • Monitor and interpret new and emerging legislation, industry codes of practice and customer requirements that impact on existing (and where advised on future potential) AP activities.
  • Incident reporting and investigation in support of plant management.

Your profile:

  • A degree qualified engineer with an extensive relevant Engineering (Chemical, Mechanical or Control & Instrumentation Engineering or Electrical / Electronic Engineer) & Operational experience is required, working in a Lead Control & instrument engineer role.
  • A broad knowledge of Process Controls processes, technologies, and equipment in use on industrial sites and their potential hazards is essential like Cybers security standards, DSC & safety systems ( Honeywell, Siemens, Rockwell, HEMA )
  • Excellent communication and influencing skills are a major requirement for the job holder.
  • Good command / effective operational proficiency in both Uzbek, Russian and English language.
  • Travel required


We are the world’s largest hydrogen producer with over 80 years of industrial gas experience. We are hydrogen and industrial gas experts delivering safe, end-to-end solutions, investing in real, clean energy projects at scale, and driving the industry forward to generate a cleaner future.

At Air Products, we work in an environment where we put safety first, diversity is essential, inclusion is our culture, and each person knows they belong and matter. To learn more, visit About Air Products.

Biz 80 yildan ortiq sanoat gaz tajribasiga ega dunyodagi eng yirik vodorod ishlab chiqaruvchimiz. Biz vodorod va sanoat gazi bo'yicha mutaxassislarmiz, xavfsiz, boshidan oxirigacha yechimlarni yetkazib beramiz, keng miqyosda haqiqiy, toza energiya loyihalariga sarmoya kiritamiz va sanoatni toza kelajak yaratish uchun oldinga siljitmoqdamiz.

Air Products - da biz xavfsizlikni birinchi o'ringa qo'yadigan muhitda ishlaymiz, bizda xilma-xillik muhim, inklyuzivlik bizning madaniyatimiz va har bir inson Kompaniyga tegishishliligini va muhimligini biladi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun - Air Products haqida -ga tashrif buyuring.