Multi-Credit Invest Strat Associate

Apollo India Services LLP
Mumbai Nesco IT Park Tower India
Finance Jobs

Position Overview

  • Analyzing model output to ensure analytics make sense and changes in analytics are consistent with shifts in rates and other macro inputs.

  • Position modelling in Apollo Proprietary systems as well as vendor systems

  • Researching/troubleshooting outliers and/or nonsensical model output

  • Monitoring of overnight automated jobs, including troubleshooting and resolving issues that might arise in the nightly workflow.

  • Tracking down base case and stress scenario Intex assumptions and cashflows from PMs for new deals as well as private and/or other structured securities that aren’t modeled in Intex

  • General maintenance of modeling processes and workflows.

  • Helping with addressing questions from various teams that consume model analytics and cashflow outputs

  • Helping with testing and impact analysis for new model versions and enhancements/updates to model workflows

Qualifications & Experience

  • Good fixed income knowledge with structured knowledge of structured products a plus

  • Strong SQL knowledge with knowledge of programming languages a plus

  • Strong aptitude to grasp complex workflows

  • Good knowledge of job scheduling applications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering

  • 2-4 years’ experience in SQL and programming languages is desired.

Apollo provides equal employment opportunities regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, veteran status, gender/sex or sexual orientation, or any other criterion or circumstance protected by applicable law, ordinance, or regulation. The above criteria are intended to be used as a guide only – candidates who do not meet all the above criteria may still be considered if they are deemed to have relevant experience/ equivalent levels of skill or knowledge to fulfil the requirements of the role. Any job offer will be conditional upon and subject to satisfactory reference and background screening checks, all necessary corporate and regulatory approvals or certifications as required from time to time, and entering into definitive contractual documentation satisfactory to Apollo.