Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, one of the largest dual-unit, Boiling Water Reactor sites in the U.S., delivers approximately 2700 MW of electricity to the grid in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Susquehanna Nuclear is a member in good standing with the Utilities Service Alliance. Located less than 30 miles south of Wilkes-Barre at the western edge of the picturesque Pocono Mountains vacation region, we are conveniently located near the arteries which connect all the major East Coast cities.
Susquehanna Station represents the nuclear portion of Talen Energy, one of the largest competitive energy and power generation companies in North America. Talen Energy offers its employees a generous and progressive array of compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities. Apply today and become part of the team which is helping to shape the future of electricity generation.
Working under the direction of the Operations Supervisor, Managers and Instructors, in this position the incumbent will receive nuclear training and nuclear power experience prior to obtaining a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Reactor Operator License. Upon successful completion of the training program and obtaining a Reactor Operator License, he/she will Operate or direct the operation of nuclear systems, nuclear safety-related systems, turbine-generator systems, plant electrical distribution systems and various plant auxiliary systems. This position may direct the work of non-supervisory employees of the same or lower job classifications as required.
Primary job duties include but are not limited to:
1. During classroom portion of training, participates in lectures, examinations and other training evolution's. During on-the-job portion of the training the candidate, in order to gain knowledge and proficiency in plant operations and equipment, will learn to perform control room and in-plant duties including but not limited to:
2. Performs such other related duties as assigned or as necessary.
Candidate Qualifications
Candidates must meet the basic qualifications and pass all required tests or assessments to receive consideration.
Basic Qualifications
All Candidate must have a high school diploma or equivalent and meet at least one of the following Criteria:
At least 6 months of experience performing plant operational duties as a qualified non-licensed operator on-site at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station
At least 12 months of experience performing plant operational duties as a qualified non-licensed operator at a comparable (BWR/PWR) facility
At least 18 months of experience performing plant operational duties as a qualified non-licensed operator at a noncomparable commercial power reactor facility
At least 6 months of experience performing plant operational duties as an active-licensed reactor operator at a comparable (BWR/PWR) facility
At least 12 months of experience performing plant operational duties as an active licensed reactor operator at a noncomparable commercial power reactor facility
At least 18 months of experience in a position equivalent to the reactor operator position at a military reactor (qualified to manipulate or direct the manipulation of control rods i.e. Reactor Operator, Engineering Officer of the Watch/Propulsion Plant Watch Officer, Engineering Watch Supervisor/Propulsion Plant Watch Supervisor)
At least 27 months of experience at a non-nuclear facility
Note: Experience in petrochemical; similar process plants; or steam propulsion plant design, construction, technical support, operation, maintenance, or training instruction can be substituted for applicable power plant experience. Simply observing others performing work is not considered power plant experience. Classroom training time cannot be counted toward power plant experience however, time spent in a structured, job-related development program may be considered power plant experience. Also, time spent performing job-based training and qualification activities in the plant β such as under instruction, watchstanding, on-the-job training, and task or watchstation qualification activities β can be applied toward power plant experience requirements.)
3. Valid driver's license.
4. Satisfactory physical and mental condition as evidenced by successfully passing company-provided examinations in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 55.11 (a) (1) and (a) (2).
5. Must meet the requirements of ANSI/ANS-3.1 1981 and REG Guide 1.8
Note: You will have an opportunity to add attachments to your application. Please use this opportunity to upload your resume, cover letter, and any relevant documents .