Reliability Engineer, Karshi, Uzbekistan

UZ90 AP Netherlands Gases BV PE
Karshi UzGTL (1U02) Uzbekistan
Environmental Jobs

At Air Products, our purpose is to bring people together to reimagine what’s possible, collaborate and innovate solutions to the world’s most significant energy and environmental sustainability challenges. Grow with us as we embark on building tomorrow together by being the safest, most diverse and most profitable industrial gas company in the world.

Reimagine What’s Possible

Air Productsda bizning oliy maqsadimiz dunyodagi eng muhim energiya va atrof-muhit barqarorligi muammolariga innovatsion yechimlarni taklif qilish uchun insonarni birlashtirish, bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qilish va hamkorlik qilishdir.

Dunyodagi eng xavfsiz, eng xilma-xil va eng daromadli sanoat gaz kompaniyasi bo'lish orqali ertangi kunni birgalikda qurishga kirishar ekanmiz, biz bilan birga rivojlaning.

Imkoniyati bor bo'lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qiling

We are looking for an experienced individual to join our Industrial Gases Business as Reliability Engineer at our facility in Karshi, Uzbekistan.

Reporting directly to the Technical Manager you will work with him to ensure the safe, legal, reliable, and efficient operation of the production plant at Karshi and associated satellite plants.

LOCATION: Karshi, Uzbekistan
EDUCATION: Engineering

  • Engineering degree, 3 years of experience in the field of reliability at production facilities.
  • Knowledge of the requirements for the operation of plants, including the safety of the facility, compliance with legal and company requirements. The role will work with all technologies we operate (including SMR, Cryogenic ASU, ATR and other).
  • Proficient with CI tools (Process Mapping, Mistake Proofing, FMEA, RCA)
  • Multidiscipline knowledge (Mechanical, Electrical, PICS, Process)
  • Understanding the lean operation of equipment and the production process, troubleshooting.
  • Able to analyze all factors before making decisions and make liability for consequences and risk.
  • Mature personality to manage cross cultural environment in technical functions and drive change in mindset towards continuous improvement.

CONTRACT: permanent
SALARY: competitive salary + annual bonus + competitive benefits

As Reliability Engineer, you will:

  • Ensuring reliable operations of assets, meeting our reliability targets, while achieving the lowest life cycle cost.
  • Assess operating facility condition, prioritize and drive reliability improvements, working in conjunction with our Operations, Maintenance, Business, and the Engineering teams.
  • Identify “gaps”, propose, implement actions / projects whose purpose is to increase the reliability of assets.
  • Manage the technical incident analysis process by applying the RCA methodology; monitor and track the implementation of the developed action plan.
  • Conduct an analysis of the costs associated with incidents and make proposals for their reduction.
  • Provide reporting of reliability incidents and KPIs related to reliability of the facility.
  • Manage reliability assessment processes, such as vulnerability/ obsolescence study (incl. critical spare parts strategy), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and a program to reduce equipment outages, support in development contract extension scope.
  • Participate in the evaluation and approval of reliability related changes (eMOC).
  • Ensure the implementation of best practices together with the maintenance and technical engineering team in terms of preventive/predictive maintenance, design.
  • Participate in the process of preparation TAR/overhauls and summarizing of its results.
  • Ensure the effective implementation of all new tools or programs developed by the company to increase the reliability of equipment and maintenance culture.
  • Continuously improve a reliability culture and knowledge at production site.
  • Actively participate in the selection of a qualified supplier or contractor to increase reliability.
  • Work in cooperation with Global reliability team

If you are interested in the role, please apply here (at the end of this page)


We are the world’s largest hydrogen producer with over 80 years of industrial gas experience. We are hydrogen and industrial gas experts delivering safe, end-to-end solutions, investing in real, clean energy projects at scale, and driving the industry forward to generate a cleaner future.

At Air Products, we work in an environment where we put safety first, diversity is essential, inclusion is our culture, and each person knows they belong and matter. To learn more, visit About Air Products.

Biz 80 yildan ortiq sanoat gaz tajribasiga ega dunyodagi eng yirik vodorod ishlab chiqaruvchimiz. Biz vodorod va sanoat gazi bo'yicha mutaxassislarmiz, xavfsiz, boshidan oxirigacha yechimlarni yetkazib beramiz, keng miqyosda haqiqiy, toza energiya loyihalariga sarmoya kiritamiz va sanoatni toza kelajak yaratish uchun oldinga siljitmoqdamiz.

Air Products - da biz xavfsizlikni birinchi o'ringa qo'yadigan muhitda ishlaymiz, bizda xilma-xillik muhim, inklyuzivlik bizning madaniyatimiz va har bir inson Kompaniyga tegishishliligini va muhimligini biladi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun - Air Products haqida -ga tashrif buyuring.